Adding default GeoJSON feature to TerraDraw

You can add GeoJSON features by using addFeatures() function in the TerraDraw instance which can be retrieved through getTerraDrawInstance() function.
	<!doctype html>
	<html lang="en">
			<title>Adding default GeoJSON feature to TerraDraw</title>
				content="You can add GeoJSON features by using addFeatures() function in the TerraDraw instance which can be retrieved through getTerraDrawInstance() function."
			<meta charset="utf-8" />
			<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
			<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
			<script src=""></script>
				body {
					margin: 0;
					padding: 0;
				#map {
					height: 100%;
			<script src="[email protected]/dist/maplibre-gl-terradraw.umd.js"></script>
				href="[email protected]/dist/maplibre-gl-terradraw.css"
			<div id="map"></div>
				const map = new maplibregl.Map({
					container: 'map',
					style: '',
					center: [0, 0],
					zoom: 1,
					maxPitch: 85
				const drawControl = new MaplibreTerradrawControl.MaplibreTerradrawControl({
					modes: ['rectangle', 'select'],
					open: true
				map.addControl(drawControl, 'top-left');
				// geojson features should be added after style is being loaded.
				map.once('load', () => {
					const drawInstance = drawControl.getTerraDrawInstance();
					if (drawInstance) {
						// geojson data to be added
						const geojson = [
								id: '6b438f48-f6da-4649-9212-76f5a1506296',
								type: 'Feature',
								geometry: {
									type: 'Polygon',
									coordinates: [
											[26.938972246, 25.217617825],
											[-4.045232861, 25.217617825],
											[-4.045232861, -7.839055615],
											[26.938972246, -7.839055615],
											[26.938972246, 25.217617825]
								properties: {
									mode: 'rectangle',